The 4-Step Process That Proves You Can Make Money Online, Even if You've Failed At It Before…

Dear Friend (and subscribers),

I promised to show you the exact 4-step process I use to make money online, and that’s what I’m going to do.

The ability to apply these 4-steps is by far the most powerful online money-making skill you can learn. Master them and you should never have to worry about money again.

I'll also tell you, mastery of these 4-steps is rare. A lot of people try but most fail. If you can do them though… I mean really do them, you can write your own ticket.

Now, I’m going to share these 4-steps and exactly how you can apply them without asking you for a single penny.


Yes… they're free.

I know what you're thinking… you've heard this before, and I get it…

I’m a skeptic too… 

And that's good, because before I do anything, I'm going to be blunt and tell you the truth.

And you're not going to like it.

Actually, I'll share two “truths”

The first is that knowing how to make money online is not the same as doing it.  

So, I'm going to show you how to make money online, but I am not making any promises.

YOU WILL KNOW how to make money online BUT I MUST BE CLEAR…

Knowing is not everything. Just knowing won't make you a money-making expert.

But it is where you must start. It is where we all start.

The second truth is this…

98% who try to make money online fail, and there’s a good chance you will too.

Yes, I just said that.

There's a good chance you will fail to make money online. I’m telling you because it’s only fair, and this needs to be out in the open. 

Here’s why…

The make-money-online industry is NOT built for you to succeed. 

That's right. 

Every time you fail and get frustrated, you do what most strong-minded people do.

You try again. 

And the “gurus” know it!

So they keep putting out shitty products that over-promise and under-deliver.

They do NOT want you to succeed. They just want you to imagine what it would be like. 

They keep “success” just out of reach… one product away. One more “upsell” away.

It’s an emotional roller-coaster. You finally feel freedom within your grasp and BAM! 

They yank it away. Again.

I know the feeling because I’ve been there. I can’t count how many times my hopes were crushed. Setting up a funnel or placing an Ad, waking up the next morning praying for a sale… but nothing. 

I'd try again. Nothing. 

Try something different. Nothing. 

Buy another course or product. Nothing.  

What’s worse… you’ve wasted loads of money while the “gurus” create more products and brag about how much money they make. 

Guess what?

That’s YOUR money they’re bragging about!

And my money too.

I spent so much money I went broke… 

Thousands on courses, products and gimmicks that didn't work… and then I was laid off from my job. 

Talk about being depressed… 

It was 100% my own fault but I was desperate for change and like gambling, I was addicted.  

I know, stupid right? 

Now when I see these “gurus” doing the same thing to others… sucking them dry with endless funnels of high-ticket upsells, it drives me mad. 

I can’t tell you how frustrating it is seeing people fall into the same trap, going into debt… or worse, bankruptcy. 

Even when you warn them, they don't want to hear it and I get it…

I didn't listen either so I paid the price.  

I was obsessed with making money online because here's the thing… I had already made money online. 

Yes, you read that right. I had already made money online and I still spent thousands on junk… 


Because the gurus got to me. 

I wanted more money, I wanted it faster and I wanted it easier. I stopped doing what I knew worked and paid for their “shortcuts”. 

I paid for advertising just like the gurus do to get your attention on YouTube and Facebook…

…and advertising is NOT cheap. 

Once I went down that road it was over. In no time at all I ran out of money. 

And in a way, it was a good thing.


Yes and no… 

My wife doesn't think so, but I was broke and it forced me to stop. My only choice was to go back and do what worked the first time…

… and THAT was a good thing.

The lesson: There are no shortcuts. 

I learned it the hard way… the “systems” and “gimmicks” are not designed to work. 

They're designed to keep you buying.

Going broke was my fault… but the failures were not. And failing to make money online is not your fault either. It's just bad advice from the wrong people.

And I'll say this… if you're looking for a shortcut, you won't find it here.  


If you want to make real money online, this may be the most important page you’ve ever read, and here’s why:

With years of painful “lessons” behind me… I’m going to show you what works. I know… because it works for me. It's how I earn passive income from multiple sources. 

Please listen to what I'm saying here…

I earn passive income from “multiple sources”

There are many ways to make money online and too many people buy into one single product or “system”. They get convinced that ONE product will make them a ton of money because the gurus told them it would. 

99% of the time, that's bullshit! 

But they want YOU to put all of your efforts into promoting THEIR product.

Whatever online training you get… please don't put all your eggs in one basket. 

And the same goes for the training you're getting today. 

You can (and should) use it to earn income from “multiple sources”. This is the “game-changer” that allowed me to work from home full-time!

This is $7886.50 in commissions from one income source and you're getting access to the exact step-by-step training I use to earn it.

The next screenshot is from another company I started working with at the end of January, and so far, after just a few months it's made $4,778.10.

Below is an affiliate program I also joined in January, but there's a funny story with this one.

I wasn't getting any results with this program so I completely forgot about it…

… until I got this email on April 4th.

Unexpected Revenue From Forgotten Affiliate

$636.30 and it was a complete surprise!

I literally ran upstairs to show my wife who was still in bed 😀

And since that surprise payment, this affiliate program continues to pay me every month. It's not a ton of money, but so far it totals $2,624.10 and requires zero maintenance. 

And there's more.

I set up another revenue source on March 5th which paid me $650.98 for that month. Again, nothing to write home about. 

But it keeps getting better every month. In July this company paid me $2,158.76. 

MV Revenue July 2019

Can you see how powerful this is?  

These add up to thousands of dollars per month.

And it comes in whether I'm working or spending a couple weeks in the mountains with my family.

Now, I'm not saying you need to focus on the same sources of income I do…

… but what I am saying is that the training you're getting today is even more powerful than it appears. You can use it to create many sources of income! 

I know what you're thinking…

That’s not “ROCKSTAR” money! That's not the millions of dollars the “gurus” are promising.

I know…

… and I’m NOT some “guru” making ridiculous promises.

If you want buy into someone's “scheme” this is not for you. I've tried a lot of those schemes and the only thing they gave me was an empty bank account.

… I can't promise you millions of dollars because I don't make millions of dollars either.

What I can promise you are the exact same steps I've used to make enough money that I no longer have a boss.

I don't want to just show you though…

I'm going to prove it to you here in a moment.

And what you're about to learn, the “gurus” DO NOT want you to know, because once you do, you’ll never buy one of their shitty products again.

You won’t need to.

I know what you’re thinking. Here we go again… this is going to turn into another sales pitch, right?

To be clear, I will NOT be selling you anything today. Everything I promised you is absolutely free, and I intend on keeping my promise!

Having said that… the passive income I'm talking about is earned from simple web pages like this one.

Wait! How does that work?

How can you make money with a webpage like this if you're not selling me anything?”

Great question! Let me explain…

I promised you I was going to show you how to make money online, and whether it’s “online” or “offline”… the way you make real money is by helping others and solving problems.

I know… crazy right?

But believe it or not, that’s how our economy works.

You can do “tasks” for pocket-change, or you can make real money by helping others and solving problems.

And sometimes… every once in awhile… solving their problems means recommending products. Products you earn money from.

For example (and this is just an example)…

Imagine your friend's car breaks down. Problem number one.

They also don't know of any good mechanics they can trust. Problem number two.  

Now, if you could help your friend by recommending a good mechanic, one they could trust… would you? 

Of course you would, your friend has a problem and you have a solution.

I'm not saying the way to make money online is by recommending mechanics…

… I'm saying the way to make money online is by recommending solutions

If you help people get what they want, you will get what you want. 

And I don't know about you, but for me, it has been far more rewarding than my last career. 

As an electrician doing construction jobs I must admit, I made pretty good money. But I wasn’t changing lives.

Now I can look after my family by helping you and it’s win-win. I'm not asking you for anything. 

Actually, that's not true. I am asking you one thing, which is…

How can I help? 

I know you want to make money online, and I'm offering to show exactly how I do it. 

And to be clear, there’s nothing special about me. I don’t have some “weird skill” or “crazy talent” that allows me to do this. Others have followed the 4-steps as well and they are succeeding…

WA Littlemamas income proof
WA JerryHuang proof of income

Again… I totally get it. This is not “ROCKSTAR” money, I know…

That’s NOT what this is.

The money we're talking about here is peace of mind money. The kind of money that allows you to take care of yourself and your family.

As an electrician I lived up north in camps, worked 12-hour shifts in stupid temperatures not fit for humans… and the worst part…

I was away from my family 70% of the time. My daughters were growing up without me.

I wasn’t motivated by “rockstar” money… and the people I work with are not either. 

We do it because a decent income from home is far better than a job we hate.

There are thousands of us who want the same things… the ability to wake up when we want, enjoy our days, and sleep without worrying. 

I’m also going to show you where you can “rub elbows” and get advice from those people.

Now, I’m sure you’re dying to know what this is all about, so let me explain.

What you're going to learn is the very same method I used to earn my first twelve-hundred bucks and change online (before I screwed up and started chasing shortcuts)… and the same method I came back to which now keeps me from ever having to do construction again. 

And, because I know what it’s like to lose focus and waste thousands of dollars, I’m going to show you how to do it without making the same mistakes I made.

I know. I’m making a bold claim and you’ve heard this before.

But let me ask you this…

Earlier I mentioned I was going to prove to you this works, right? 

Well… here you are on this page. One of the pages that makes me money. 

And yet, I'm not asking you for money.  

In fact, most who land here will only ever use the free stuff I’m giving you today, and I'm happy about that. 

Every once in awhile though, someone will buy a product or service I recommend…

NOT because I’m selling it to them. But because we both share the same goals. We both want the same things out of life.

So, what I’m going to show you is exactly the same process that brought you here… and how you can use it to recommend any product, service or business you choose. 

What’s even better is you don’t need your own product. 

There's no need to come come up with something new the world has never seen.

You can do what I do and promote other people’s products… 

But first… before I go any further, we need to clear a few things up.  

No matter how many times I tell people this is NOT a get-rich-quick scheme or plug-and-play system, I still get people who think it is.

People who think there's a button they can push and money is going to pour into their bank account. 

That's not what this is. 

It's also not about you selling some “system” I’m promoting.

It's not a shortcut, it's not an MLM, and it's not some “mystery hack” that will make you rich. 

I must be crystal clear…

If you're looking for something quick and easy because you need money right away, this is NOT it.

You can click away from this page right now if that's the case… no hard feelings. I don't want to waste your time and I don't want my time wasted. 

Is that fair?


Now that we've got that out of the way and I know you're serious, I look forward to working with you. 

And, this is a unique opportunity because you get to work with me 😀

I don't want to “toot” my own horn here, but you're getting a once-in-a-lifetime chance to work with a real grade-A idiot.

Yep… that's me, lol. 

What I mean is… you get to learn from my mistakes so you don't make them yourself. 

When I started making money online it went straight to my head. I thought I was “an expert” so I went off and did my own thing and… well you know the story.

My mistake was thinking I knew better and I don’t want that to happen to you.


There will be a button below that will take you to another page…

… and on that page you’re going to get access to the same 4-step process that I use to earn passive income.

The same 4-step process that brought you here today.

Now, I said it earlier but I’ll say it again…

The ability to apply these 4-steps is by far the most powerful online money-making skill you can learn. Master them and you should never have to worry about money again.

What you’re getting is,

  • Core Training Series (includes 8 over-the-shoulder classes including how to use AI (artificial intelligence) for content, images, and business planning.
  • 1,500 Free AI Word Credits
  • You’re going to get private access to me for 1-on-1 help.
  • Full access to a welcoming community of experts who are happy to help you.
  • And… because this is NOT just about learning, but taking action… I’m going to get access to a limited Business Hubs platform that gets you up and running in minutes and provides a free practice website.

I’ve wasted a lot of money in this industry and I can tell you, most “paid” programs don’t offer this much. 

And… because I know what it's like to waste a ton of money on junk and almost lose everything… I'd sooner be broke than responsible for anyone else going through that. There’s nothing for you to lose here. 


You can spend years following the “gurus” and beating your head against the wall, telling your friends and family “this time is different”. 

You can also waste thousands of dollars like I did, and go into debt…


You can skip all that bullshit and go straight to the money-making stage. 

You can work with me – yes… I'm a real person 🙂 

This is me (Jay) and my beautiful daughters (who are a little older now… this picture is from a few winters ago) 

And you can work with other industry experts and ask them for help too.

The result: Passive income appearing in your bank account month after month. 

Money that's fueling the life you've always wanted… the freedom to breathe again, and you can even quit your job.

More importantly… you have peace of mind.

You’re NOT lying awake worrying about money. Instead, you’re relaxed, knowing you have a reliable income that provides for you and your family over the long term. 

If you’ve read this far, I know this is what you want.

So what's the catch? 

There is none. 

As I said earlier… 

I make money because a “percentage of people” who land here and take advantage of the free stuff… will one day buy a product or service I recommend…

And when it comes to the training and tools you are getting here today, there are two versions.

There is a  free version, and there are also paid versions.  

A percentage of people will upgrade to one of the paid versions, but…

The ONLY version I've told you about here is the free one because that's the one I promised you

And that's what you're getting today… the free one. 

The paid versions offer more powerful tools and deeper training.

But to be clear, I am NOT here to “upsell” you on the paid versions.

Of course, they are more complete (as you would expect)…

… but I HATE those “bait and switch” systems that suck you in with a good deal and hit you later with the “real price”… 

… which is usually hundreds, if not thousands of dollars. 

That's probably what you're expecting here, and I get it.

I've been scammed by those systems before too…

… which is why I'm telling you about the paid versions now.

So you are NOT surprised when you see them (or think I'm trying to hide something).  

Of course, I recommend them because I know how they changed my life… but it's not for everyone, and I'll say it again…

… I'm not here to upsell you on the paid versions.

What you're really here for is what I promised you. Free access to tools and training.

And like I said… if you've read this far, I know this is what you want

And to get what you want, you need to do something different… something that gives you the results you want.

So, on the next page you'll get access to the Training Portal that teaches you the 4-steps, a free website, and personal access to me. Just click the link below and I'll see you on the other side.

No Credit Card Needed

If you’re like me, you’ve scrolled to the bottom of this page before reading. No problem.

Here’s a quick summary of what you’re getting today at absolutely no cost…

  • 8 over-the-shoulder step-by-step classes including videos, text, forums to ask questions, and the newest training on using AI.
  • Private access to me for 1-on-1 help.
  • Community access so you can talk to and learn from industry experts.
  • Limited Business Hubs access with practice website. 
  • How to turn your passion into a profitable online business.
  • And some online tools you’re going to love…

There is absolutely nothing to purchase on this page and everything I've mentioned above is free today.