JustEarn Review – Big SCAM or LEGIT Cash Cow? [Must Read]

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JustEarn Review Banner

Welcome to my JustEarn Review, I’m glad you’re here.

If you’re active on social media, JustEarn may have caught your attention. You probably saw somebody post a link about a site that can make you a lot of money – and of course, that’s interesting.

JustEarn Review Official Site

If you’re like me, you probably want to find out first if JustEarn is legit before joining it. And I don’t blame you, because scam sites are just everywhere these days. Yes, we all want to make money online, but we don’t want to get scammed.

In this JustEarn review, I’m going to cover the following:

  • What is JustEarn?
  • Is JustEarn a Scam?
  • How Does JustEarn Work?
  • JustEarn Reviews and Complaints
  • What I Like About JustEarn
  • What I Don’t Like
  • Where Do You Go From Here?

Disclaimer:Please note, I am not a member or an affiliate for JustEarn. This review has been researched with information and/or testimonials that are available online in the public domain. Any recommendations and/or conclusions are strictly opinions and may not apply to, or agree with, all persons or situations. See full disclaimer for more info

What Is JustEarn?

As they said on their site, JustEarn is supposed to be the #1 Earning Network.

According to them, you can earn money from home, work, or school (or anywhere for that matter) if you join their site. Basically, you just need to have social media accounts to start earning as an Influencer.

If you’re an Influencer, you get to say your opinions on products and services of big-name brands. I know it sounds cool, and it’s actually a useful way (and activity) of earning money – well, that is if JustEarn is legit.

But are they legit?

JustEarn is supposed to pay you for performing tasks on their platform. But if they’re not paying you, that could only mean one thing. JustEarn is a scam.

Don’t worry, I’ll tell you how JustEarn works in a minute. For now, let’s find out if they’re legit or a scam.

Is JustEarn a Scam?

The truth is, even though there are a lot of legitimate ways to make money online and from home, most are scams. The first problem I see with JustEarn are the dollar amounts they are promising to pay you.

I mean, fifty bucks just for signing up?

I'm sorry but I'm not buying it. There has to be catch. The economics of paying everyone who joins $50 just doesn't add up.

Imagine a restaurant giving everyone who walks through the door $50. They don't have to eat in the restaurant or buy a meal. They can just walk in the door, look around, collect their fifty bucks and walk out.

If a hundred people a day did that, the restaurant would be spending $5000 per day. That's probably more than they spend in an entire month on “real” marketing. 

On top of that, JustEarn pays you $10 per referral. So they're paying your referral $50 and you $10. That's $60 before you've done a single thing, and before you've bought anything. 

That means if one out of every ten people actually do something on their site after signing up (which is probably a fair percentage), they need to earn $600 off that one person just to break even.

And unlike a restaurant, JustEarn is online. They are not limited to the number of people in their local area who can walk through the door and collect cash for nothing. They could have 10,000 people a day signing up or more. 

With 10,000 people a day signing up, they'd be paying out $500,000 dollars a day PLUS another $60,000 in referral commissions. In a week that's nearly 4 MILLION DOLLARS before anyone has even clicked beyond the welcome page.  

So, just on the economics alone I must say I'm suspicious that JustEarn is real. In fact, before I look any further… just on their homepage alone, I'm 99% certain they're a scam. 

But 99% certain is not enough. You came here to find out the truth so that what's I'm going to give you.   

Let's look at the many red flags I found with JustEarn… 

Red Flag #1 – Fake Founding Date

If you look at JustEarn’s About page, their story says that they launched their business in 2015.

JustEarn Review Fake Founding Date

Well, they’re lying, because I found out that their business only started a month ago. 

In the screenshot below you'll see their domain name justearn.co was only registered on March 31, 2020.

JustEarn Review Registration Date
Source: WhoIs.com

So right off the bat, they lied about existing for 5 years – which is a big deal. 5 years would give them some serious credibility, which is why they're making that claim. But that's all it is. A claim.

The truth is, they’re only about a month old at the time of writing this JustEarn review. And they don’t have any credibility at this point.

JustEarn is trying to appear is if they're a real “get-paid-to” or online survey site, but they are not. 

Legit sites like Survey Junkie and Inbox Dollars are well established and have been doing business for many years.

They won't make you rich because they operate in the real world (real world amounts of money, not fantasyland amounts of money like JustEarn is promising)… but they're an easy way to get started online.

They can also be a stepping stone to something more serious like an online business

You may be at home because of difficulties with your health for example, or young ones to look after. 

If that’s the case and a full-time income online is what you want, knowing how and where to get started is what you need in order to get what you want.

Now, I'm going to give you a free step by step beginner's guide to making money online and you can get it by Clicking Here

Red Flag #2 – More Lies

Aside from lying about their age, JustEarn also lied about their entire history. Here, let me show you…

  • 2016 – In 2016, they said they partnered up with big-name brands like Walmart, Papa Johns, and Subway.
  • 2017 – In 2017, they supposedly expanded their business.
  • 2020 – By 2020, they said they already made a name for themselves and that they’re recognizable all over the internet (especially on social media). But I've only just heard of them recently and I'm sure you have too… which is why you're reading this review. To learn more about them. 
JustEarn Review Red Flag Lies

If you remember, JustEarn only started in March of 2020 – so their entire history is a BIG LIE.

The truth is, their name/brand isn’t even recognizable on the internet. You’ll see what I mean in the next red flag.

Red Flag #3 – Limited Social Media Presence

As I said a while ago, JustEarn is barely recognizable on the internet and social media. They do have an Instagram account, but it only has 12 posts at the time of this review.

They also have very limited engagement on said platform.

JustEarn Review Instagram
Source: Instagram

JustEarn doesn’t even have a Facebook page at the time of this writing.

However, I did find a Facebook “group” that’s dedicated to JustEarn – but it only has 14 members, and there’s barely any group engagement.

JustEarn Review Facebook Group
Source: Facebook

What this all means is that JustEarn is supposed to be the #1 Influencer Network, but they are not at all popular on social networking sites.

Of course they're not. It’s all a lie anyway.

Red Flag #4 – Fake Payment Proofs

From the JustEarn Facebook group I mentioned above, the moderator showed payment proof dated March 25, 2020 for $420.00. But wait, JustEarn only started their business on March 31, 2020, right?

Their site wasn't even registered at the time this so called payment proof was provided. 

JustEarn Review Fake Payment Proofs
Source: Facebook

It’s quite obvious here that the payment proof above is a fake!

Red Flag #5 – Fake Address

Let me tell you right now that JustEarn is using a fake address on their website. I’m going to show you screenshots of some of the proof I found on their site…

In the image below, you can see in their FAQ section that their location is in the Netherlands.

JustEarn Review Fake Address


… they said on their About page that they’re based in Los Angeles, California.

JustEarn Review Fake Address About

JustEarn also said in their Privacy Policy that they’re located in Los Angeles, California.

JustEarn Review Fake Address Privacy Policy

But then, on their Contact page, they said they’re located in the Netherlands.

JustEarn Review Fake Address Contact

So, where is JustEarn really located?

My answer is… I don’t know. It seems they don’t even know where they’re supposed to be based themselves. LOL

Anyway, it’s just one lie after another which is a sign that JustEarn is a scam.

Red Flag #6 – Suspicious Privacy Policy

If you’re like me, you probably rarely read Privacy Policies. Well, that would be fine if a site is trustworthy. But since JustEarn is showing far too many signs of being a scam to trust them.

So, I checked out their Privacy Policy. In the excerpt below, you will see that they collect personal information from their members/users such as the following:

  • Name
  • Mailing address
  • Phone number
  • Email
  • Credit Card number
JustEarn Review Privacy Policy

As you can see, they’re collecting sensitive information from their users/members. Your personal information shouldn’t be entrusted to a site that’s not trustworthy.

I know I wouldn't trust them with my information.

Red Flag #7 – Tricky Terms and Conditions

Get this, they said in their terms and conditions that you must be at least 99 years old to use their site.

Yes, you heard that right (see the screenshot below).

This is a trick a lot of scammers use to technically “disqualify” their users/members from collecting their payments.

JustEarn Review Terms and Conditions

If you’re not 99 years old (or older), this rule applies to you. Legally, JustEarn is not obligated to pay you because you did not follow their terms and conditions.

Red Flag # 8 – A Clone of CashCrates?

If you look at the screenshot of CashCrates below, you'll find that it looks suspiciously like the JustEarn.

JustEarn Review CashCrates EarnAndGo Clone Sites
Source: CashCrates
JustEarn Review Official Site

JustEarn looks like suspiciously like CashCrates (shown above)

Clearly, JustEarn is a copy of CashCrates… and CashCrates used to be called EarnAndGo (which is currently being redirected to CashCrates).

CashCrates was registered in April of 2020, so it’s only around 2 weeks old (at the time of this review).

If you think it sounds a little confusing, you're right. But it gets even more confusing which I'll talk about in a moment. 

For now, let's zoom in and take a look at some complaints I found about EarnAndGo (one JustEarn's clone sites)… 

JustEarn Review EarnAndGo Twitter Complaints
Source: Twitter

The red flag here is that both EarnAndGo and CashCrates have already been exposed as scam sites. Therefore, since JustEarn is a clone of these 2, it’s probably a scam site as well.

But it's not only these two scam sites that are connected to JustEarn. Remember I said it gets more confusing?

There are dozens of these scam sites which include sites like BonusJunkies, PlentyBread, MoneyGenie and RewardDollars just to name a few. Some go away for awhile, then return. Some get redirected to another scam temporarily, and then come back to life as their own brand.

JustEarn is just one of many in a network of scams.   

Red Flag #9 – Fake Testimonials

JustEarn has photos and testimonies on their site for their supposed members/affiliates. The truth is, these are not real people and they’re only using stock photos.

JustEarn Review Fake Testimonials

I'll show you some proof in the next red flag, along with another scam site in their network. 

Red Flag #10 – A Clone of CashForShare?

CashForShare is a #1 Influencer network that was established in June 2019. You can see in the screenshots below that JustEarn and CashForShare have exactly the same testimonials…

JustEarn Review CashForShare Clone

Like I said in the previous red flag, they’re using fake testimonials – and they simply copied from their other sister clone sites. Yes, they’re all fakes!

Red Flag #11 – Better Business Bureau Warning

The Better Business Bureau has issued a warning against two other scam sites which are also part of this cabal of scams called Notion Cash and Kids Earn Money.

The red flag here is that JustEarn is a clone site of these two scam sites, and the BBB does not have good things to say.

JustEarn Review BBB Consumers Report
Source: BBB

In the screenshots below, you will see that the BBB has warned the public of scam sites that are pretending to be market research/influencer platforms.

They also say these sites collect personal information from their users which can lead to identity theft, hacking, stolen money, spamming, etc.

And, as you'll see in some of the complaints I'll show you below, the BBB also warned that these scam sites won’t pay you (as they promise) when you perform tasks for them.

JustEarn Review BBB Warning
Source: BBB
JustEarn Review BBB Recommendations
Source: BBB

So, do I think JustEarn is a scam?

Yes. I know JustEarn is a scam and hopefully with all the red flags I just showed you, you can see it too.

I know you want to make money online and create a better life for you and your family. I completely understand and I'm torn between dashing your hopes by uncovering JustEarn's lies and deceptions on one hand, and saving you from fraud and identity theft on the other.

I hope the information I've provided here is helpful, even if it's not the information you wanted to hear. 

That doesn't mean you can't make money online. There are legit sites that will pay you. 

No “real” site will pay you $50 just for signing up, but companies like Survey Junkie are a simple way to get paid for your opinion and Inbox Dollars is another site that pays you for doing things you may be doing online anyway, like searching the web, watching videos and visiting websites. 

Of course, you won't be able to retire by doing tasks on well established and legitimate sites like these. As I mentioned earlier, the economics don't make sense. But if you've never made money online before, they can be a good place to start.

For something more significant, an online business may be what you're looking for.

Making money from home might be something you need because of medical issues, children to look after, or maybe you're just tired of working for a boss. 

If that’s the case, knowing how (and where) to get started is what you need in order to get what you want.

Now, I'm going to give you a free step by step beginner's guide to making money online and you can get it by Clicking Here

How Does JustEarn Work?

So we've established that JustEarn is a scam. But how? Let's start with how JustEarn is supposed to work…

1. Register and join

It’s free to join JustEarn, and they’ll even credit your account with $50 as a signup bonus.

2. Perform tasks

One of the fastest ways to earn money on JustEarn is to become their affiliate. This is easy to do because all you need to do is share your unique referral link on your social media accounts (we all know how easy that is, right?).

Now, they’ll credit your “JustEarn” account with $10 for every person who joins their site through your referral link. And if somebody clicks on your link, they’ll also credit you with $2 per click (yes, for just clicking).

You can also earn money on JustEarn by creating a YouTube video saying that JustEarn is legit (so don’t be surprised if you find such videos). They pay $50 per video for this task.

And there are other tasks inside the JustEarn platform that pay anywhere from $10 to $50. The tasks can involve answering questionnaires/surveys, signing up to membership sites, downloading apps, and more.

But all of these things are just a smokescreen. The real problem comes in the next step. 

3. Withdraw your earnings

According to their site, JustEarn pays via PayPal, Bitcoin, and mailed checks. But again, don’t be fooled. They’ll simply credit your “JustEarn” account with money (your so-called earnings) to make it seem that they’re paying you.

In reality, however, you won’t be able to cash out when you want to withdraw your money.

Instead, what they're doing is collecting your information (which is asked of you during the tasks) and getting you to spread their scam to friends and family by referring them to join JustEarn on the promise you'll earn a referral fee and they'll earn a sign-up bonus. 

JustEarn Review How it Works

JustEarn Reviews and Complaints

As I said a while ago, JustEarn is still pretty new when I wrote this review. They don’t have a lot of recorded reviews from real users yet at the time of this writing.

It will take some time, but once members realize JustEarn is not going to pay them, the complaints will come. 

But we don't need to wait for those complaints because we have complaints from their sister scams. This scheme has been played out many times before. 

Below are some screenshots from Twitter. These are tweets from people complaining about EarnAndGo (JustEarn’s sister scam/clone site on Red Flag #8).

See for yourself how people are complaining about being scammed. EarnAndGo did not pay them. These are the types of complaints we can expect from the members of JustEarn soon.

Source: Twitter

What I Like About JustEarn

I would have liked it very much if JustEarn was legit.

But they are not. Instead they're just scamming people and there's nothing to like about that!

What I Don't Like

  • JustEarn is a scam.
  • Lies, lies and more lies.
  • Very high risk of having your accounts hacked and your identity stolen.  
  • They’re hurting people who want to make money honestly by building up their hopes and then crushing them. 
  • It's just flat out cruel. Look, I get it. The people behind these scams maybe feel they have no other option. That they're just trying to support their family. But they're doing it by ruining other people's lives and to do that it's pretty hard to have a conscience. I don't know if they're happy about what they're doing, but from the outside it sure looks that way. 

Where Do You Go From Here?

Since JustEarn is a scam, it would be good to stay away from it. Remember, it’s only pretending to be something it’s not, and it’s simply looking for people to victimize.

You’ve already seen the many red flags and complaints from their sister scams. And to top it off, The Better Business Bureau is also warning the public against such scam sites.

My recommendation for you is to heed their warning and avoid getting scammed by JustEarn.

I know that's not what you want to hear. If you've got bills piling up and your wondering how you're going to pay for both food and rent, sites like JustEarn seem like the answer. And I've been there before too. 

Believe me… I'd love to point you in a direction that instantly pays hundreds of dollars quickly with no experience and very little effort. 

Making money online just doesn't work that way though. 

You might be a student in school or a single parent at home. You may have health challenges that make regular work difficult, or maybe you just hate your job and you’re desperate for a way out.

If that's the case, an online business is what you want. 

With all the scams and schemes like JustEarn out there though, knowing how and where to get started the right way is what you need in order to get what you want

Now, I'm going to give you a free step by step beginner's guide to making money online and you can get it by Clicking Here

If you're just looking for a simple way to make some extra spending money, online survey and get-paid-to sites are a good way to get started. 

Sites like Survey Junkie will pay you for your opinion and Inbox Dollars offers rewards for doing things like watching videos, visiting websites and searching the web.  

Of course they won't make you rich, but if you've never made money online before, they're a simple and realistic way to get started. 

I hope my JustEarn review has been helpful and if you have any comments, questions, or experience with JustEarn, please share in the comments section below.

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