Hey, thanks for stopping by to check out my SnagaJob review. How many times have you applied for a job you thought you were perfect for, but found yourself waiting for a phone call that never came?
Searching for a job can be one of the most stressful things you do. Companies like SnagaJob try to make it easier by bringing employees, and employers, together into a single marketplace. But it doesn't always go smoothly and there are some things you need to know about SnagaJob.
Please note, I am not a member or an affiliate for Snagajob. This review has been researched with information and/or testimonials that are available online in the public domain. Any recommendations and/or conclusions are strictly opinions and may not apply to, or agree with, all persons or situations. See full disclaimer for more info
What is SnagAJob?
Snagajob is a job listings board where job seekers post their credentials, and employers advertise their jobs.
It’s similar to other job boards like Indeed, CareerBuilder and Monster… but with a shinier coat of paint.
Where Snagajob differs from the others is that they take a more proactive approach in matching your profile with specific jobs. They’re not quite a hiring agency… but they aim to do more than a typical job search website.
They claim to have 300,000 employer locations and 75 million registered hourly workers. Those are most likely registered “profiles” they’ve collected since they started way back in 2000 rather than active members (but that's just my guess).
It won't be long though before they're celebrating 20 years in business, so love them or hate them, they must be doing something right.
And… they must be helping some people make money.
How Does It Work?
Snagajob makes its money by charging employers to advertise. One job listing is $89 per month or an employer can post 3 jobs for $249 per month. If you're a job seeker, it's free to join… which is a far better business model than something like Mommy Jobs Online who charges both employers and employees.
Other than that, Snagajob works as you might expect it to. Job seekers create their profile and resume, and then browse through the job listings hoping to find one they quality for.
They have jobs listings in several categories, including;
- Full-time
- Part-time
- Entry-level
- No experience
- Seasonal jobs
- Student jobs
- Veterans jobs
Job opportunities are available in all of the industries you would expect, from restaurants to accounting, healthcare to retail and just about everything in between. Of course, not every industry will have job openings, all of the time. But, they have a diverse selection and they are limited to one type of work or industry.
As a job seeker, your profile and resume is made available to employers. Those who prefer to take a proactive approach can contact you directly.
At least that's how it’s supposed to work. Unfortunately, there is always someone looking to take advantage of others, and that’s seems to be the case for some who who advertise on Snagajob.
If you're not sure it's a “job” you want or just some extra spending money, you can also earn some pocket cash in your spare time doing online surveys.
It's not a ton of money, but market research sites like Survey Junkie and Inbox Dollars pay members to share their opinion on various products and services.
With Inbox Dollars you can also make money doing things like searching the web, visiting websites and watching videos.
If you had something bigger in mind, an online business might be what you're after.
You may have children at home to look after, a health issue you're dealing with or maybe you're just sick and tired of working for someone else.
In that case, something with more independence is what you want and an online business that generates passive income is what you need in order to get what you want.
Now, I'm going to give you a free step by step beginner's guide to making money online and you can get it by Clicking Here
Is SnagaJob A Scam?
Snagajob itself is not a scam. They are a legit company. However… by setting up your online profile (which is required if you’re hoping to be found by employers) you become exposed to fake job offers, spam and scammers.
I’ve read through the privacy policy and it’s the standard stuff you’d find in most. If there’s a grey area, as far as sharing your information it’s this;
“We disclose your Personal Information to third parties if you consent for us to do so. For example, we send your information to employers if you indicate that you want us to do so in the registration process. In addition, if you indicate that you want to receive offers and promotions from our Sponsors, we will send your Personal Information to them according to your interests and preferences. If you decide to share your contact information in this manner, you will be provided with instructions regarding how to opt out of sharing your contact information if you decide you no longer wish to do so.”
Using Snagajob for it’s intended purpose requires that you disclose personal information, and provide consent so they can share it with third parties. Who those third parties are… you have no control over.
They also say “opt-out” instructions will be made available for those who no longer wish to share their information. That’s great, but what about the information you've already shared? It's still out there.
The takeaway here is to do your due diligence and read everything during the registration process, and to go in expecting unwanted calls and emails.
So, to be clear… Snagajob is not a scam, but some of the “employers” who slip through the cracks might be.
There Are Fake Job Ads
If you’ve ever struggle to find work, you're probably familiar with fake job offers and “opportunities”. There are multi-level marketers who look for people there, and you get the street sellers who post ads with descriptions that sound like attractive corporate type sales jobs.
In the early 2000’s I was out of work for a short while and in my search, ended up interviewing for one of these “great” sales opportunities. It sounded legit.
I arrived for my early morning interview at what looked like a rundown, abandoned office building. There was a room full of people just like me waiting to be interviewed.
Inside another room sat a team of recruiters pulling us in a few at a time. Obviously, this was not the great corporate sales job I was led to believe.
It turns out the “sales job” was to go out that day (right there and then) with an “experienced” representative selling toys from business to business and people on the street.
The reason I like to tell this story is because something funny happened that day… or at least I thought it was funny. My wife tells me it’s one of those “you must have had to be there moments” because it wasn't that funny to her. But I’ll share it anyway. 😀
It goes without saying, I did not want to sell toys door to door. I had managed entire branch divisions for companies prior to this. What was I doing?
But, I needed the money and the economy wasn't cooperating with my job search. So I decided I was going to sell some toys that day.
The “experienced” sales guy (had probably worked there for a week) drove a beat-up Ford Mustang from the 1980’s, and if you’re familiar with Mustangs you’ll know there are only 2 doors and barely enough room for a toddler in the backseat.
There was 3 of us however, and I wasn’t wasting my own fuel on this adventure. So the Mustang it was.
Before heading out to our assigned territory, we stopped at 7-11 for coffee… and this is where it all went bad. The third guy… I’ll call him Number 3 (because I can’t remember his name) was about to sell toys for his second day, and being a nice guy, offered me the front seat.
Since the Mustang doesn’t have 4 doors, Number 3 had to flip the front seat forward and awkwardly squeeze himself into the back… trying not drop or spill his extra-large bucket of coffee.
Before I got into the car, I had to flip that front seat back. Well… Number 3 wasn’t fully seated… and I didn’t realize how far, and how hard, that heavy 1980’s bucket seat was about to slam into him. It crumpled that cheap 7-11 Styrofoam coffee cup like Mike Tyson punching a paper bag, covering him from head to toe in hot 7-11 house blend.
I laugh now because he wasn’t burned. But I had definitely ruined this guys second day on the job. Of course, I apologized, and then said I had changed my mind. They dropped me off at my car (a short and awkward drive). And that was the end of my toy sales career.
I drove home, conflicted… feeling both bad about what happened, and also struggling to see the road through the tears I had from laughing.
Anyway… back to SnagaJob. Sketchy “sales opportunities” like that one will be similar to many jobs you can expect to get offered. But you can find those jobs listed everywhere so it's not a problem specific to SnagaJob. The difference however, is the number of emails and phone calls you'll get about them, if you're to believe the complaints listed below.
SnagaJob Complaints
As you might expect, the number one complaint about Snagajob is spam and phone calls. They have a D minus rating at the Better Business Bureau and have received 1.22 out of 5 stars based on 4 reviews and 15 complaints. Here are just a few that you can find on the BBB site;
“This website (Snagajob) is fraudulent, sells or uses your info for other purposes than finding a job. You will get hundreds of unwanted calls and emails not too long after signing up, none of which is job related.”
“Worst mistake ever was signing up for snagajob.com. I have had to change my number after trying for weeks to block all the solicitors who were calling 10 times a day, and after blocking would call back with a blocked number.”
“Like others, I started receiving telemarketer calls about “educational opportunities” within two minutes of signing up for an account.”
You can find more complaints like these if you search online.
That doesn’t mean that you can’t find the job you’re looking for, but my recommendation would be to set up an alternate email address and purchase a pay-as-you-go phone and phone number.
It also deserves mentioning that Snagajob has made the effort to respond to those complaints on the Better Business Bureau website, and attempt to correct the problems.
Some of the other complaints you may find are;
- You may be notified of one job opening which sounds good, apply for it, but get offered a less desirable job.
- Unable to unsubscribe from emails.
- Employers who have paid to advertised have complained that their credit cards had been automatically charged for another billing cycle, even though the Ad had been taken down.
Now… these may be isolated incidents and every company has it’s bumps and missteps, so I wouldn’t read too much into these issues. Your experience may be different, and since Snagajob has been around for so many years, they obviously have some satisfied customers.
Also, something I noticed online was that the reviews from employees (who actually work for Snagajob) for the most part were positive.
For example, on glassdoor.com you can find employee reviews like this;
“I truly believe that most of the people working at SAJ believe they are working to make a difference in the world. There's something really valuable about being able to say that you help people find jobs for a living. In addition, the people at SAJ are some of the brightest and most creative I've ever been around. Management genuinely values Snaggers puts a priority on culture and benefits to keep morale high and top performers happy.”
Since those are Snagajob employee reviews, they may not be exactly relevant to the information you’re looking for, but I think they are definitely worth mentioning.
At the end of the day, only you can decide whether Snagajob is for you.
If it's just a little extra “end-of-the-month” money you want, online surveys can be a simple way to earn a little without having to commit to anything.
They won't make you rich but sites like Survey Junkie and Inbox Dollars are free to join and if you've never made money online before, these can be a good way to get your feet wet. They're also a good stepping stone to something bigger down the road.
On the other hand, if you have a medical issue that's keeping you home, or maybe young ones to look after… a full-time income online might be what you're looking for.
Maybe you're just tired of “punching a clock” and collecting a paycheck.
If that's the case, a way to earn passive income online is what you want, and knowing how and where to get started is what you need in order to get what you want.
Now, I'm going to give you a free step by step beginner's guide to making money online and you can get it by Clicking Here
Is Snagajob For You?
If you’re reading this review, there’s a good chance you are looking for (and need) a job. Or, you currently have a job but you’re not happy and looking for a new one.
If you’re unemployed and need to find work, Snagajob, along with all the other job posting sites are for you. Money to feed yourself, your family, and to pay bills is more important than worrying about telemarketers and email spam.
You can deal with that problem once you’re earning a regular paycheck.
On the other hand, if you’re currently working and just looking for another job, it may be wiser to use the other job boards like Indeed or CareerBuilder first, before signing up to SnagaJob. That's just my opinion though based on the troubles people are seeming to have.
Another option you may consider, is starting your own “side-hustle” and making your own money during your spare time, which you can learn more about here.
Sometimes it’s not the job that bothers you, it’s working for and being dependent on someone else. And who wants to spend their life trading hours for dollars.
What I Like About Snagajob
- I definitely liked reading the employee reviews. There are so many terrible companies to work for and employers who take advantage of their people. It’s nice to read about a place that looks after it’s workers.
- Snagajob has responded and attempted to correct the complaints listed on the BBB website.
- I like that, in theory at least, they are attempting to facilitate a good match between employee and employer.
What I Don’t Like
- Obiously, more effort needs to go into screening their third party clients. It’s not something I have experience in so I may be speaking out of line here, but clearly they need to do something to mitigate the telemarketers and spam
- Something I don't like, which applies to all job posting sites today, is that they’re impersonal.
Don’t get me wrong… I’m a technology junkie and believe the internet has made our lives much better. However, as I mentioned earlier, I used to run a few businesses and back in the 90’s I would place my Ads for workers in the newspaper.
Resume’s and handwritten cover letters would arrive in the mail. It was slow, but there was something personable about it.
I'm being part nostalgic, but there is a practical advantage to it as well.
I had to read those hand written letters and resumes, and my decisions weren't based strictly on what a database or personality test told me.
Today people's profiles and credentials are nothing more than words inside a searchable field. Employers and hiring managers just search a database of qualifications and eliminate the rest (many who might have been much better candidates).
It’s methodical, it's lazy, and it's cold. To be honest… I don’t think we’ve gotten any better at matching employers and employees.
Where Do You Go From Here
There seems to be quite a few negative reviews and comments regarding Snagajob, but my feeling is that those reviews are one sided and don't accurately represent the company.
I could be wrong, but generally speaking, people are more likely to complain online than they are to share their positive experiences.
If you’re looking for work and can’t find one through one of the other job sites, I see no reason why you shouldn’t try SnagaJob (provided you set up an alternate email and temporary phone just in case).
Chances are, since you're reading this review, you're not just looking for work… you're also looking for money.
In that case, you can also make a little extra spending cash with companies like Survey Junkie and Inbox Dollars by doing online surveys… and with Inbox Dollars you can also earn money by doing things like searching the web, visiting websites and watching videos.
If you're looking for a larger income, something that can eventually provide you with more freedom, an online business that generates passive income is what you want.
Knowing how and where to start properly is what you need in order to get what you want.
Now, I'm going to give you a free step by step beginner's guide to making money online and you can get it by Clicking Here
In my opinion, being proactive about your financial future has never been more important. It's difficult to depend on a “job” these days
That’s the world our parents (and/or grandparents) lived in.
There’s just too many variables today. Technology is changing the employment landscape faster than we can adapt.
It’s my strong belief (and one I’m trying to instill in my kids), that you must take you future into your own hands. If you have any opportunity to go into business for yourself, I recommend it… provided it’s a business that's relevant and sustainable.
For example, my brother used to own his own DVD rental store in downtown Vancouver. Obviously, there aren’t too many DVD rental stores around any more (it did lead to a career in the Vancouver film industry for him though, so he’s doing okay). But I probably wouldn't start a business fixing flip phones if you you know what I mean.
I always recommend that people start an online business. I’ve seen it change people’s lives (my own included) and you can start it at home for nearly zero cost. I could be wrong, but I believe the future of earning money (as well as getting an education) will be primarily online as more people become independent “contractors” and entrepreneurs.
If you’re not sure where to start, you can check out my top recommended training programs… some of which have free membership options. Also, I share here the exact strategy I used to start my online business.
I hope my SnagaJob review was helpful, and thank you for stopping by.
Please leave a comment below, I’d love to hear your thoughts about SnagaJob. Have you used them before, and if so what was your experience? If you found this review helpful, or you think it might be useful for others, please share 😀
*** USER BEWARE*** I’ll never use SnagaJob again, even to search jobs, let alone apply for them. When you click on a job and expect to see the job posting, they don’t even post the actual job you click on. If the goal of this website is to farm information, they sure have you in the cross hairs and dialed in range. Absolutely worthless information at a time I really don’t have time to waste in being directed to BS jobs that don’t even apply to me and my experience.
There was a job position located in town close my location. I filled out like my name.email address and home address town and zip code. Then it ask to type SSN…I don’t know what or how it’s possible to apply to snagajob without making a profile.