Fast Home Sites Review – SCAM or Legit $1,000/Day?

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Hello and welcome to my Fast Home Sites Review.

Did you come here because you want to make money online? How about $1,000 a day? I get it… who wouldn't want that kind of money? According to Fast Home Sites, it's easy. 

But is it legit?

I have my doubts (as I'm sure you do too), so let's dig in and find out if thing is real or just another scam. 

Fast Home Sites Review Official Website

You may have bills to pay or debt piling up and a thousand bucks a day would solve a lot of problems, right? But systems like Fast Home Sites are famous for making big promises and failing to deliver…

… so in this review, I’ll talk about these topics:

  • What is Fast Home Sites?
  • Is Fast Home Sites a Scam?
  • How Does Fast Home Sites Work?
  • What I Like About Fast Home Sites
  • What I Don’t Like About It
  • Where Do You Go From Here?

Please note, I am not a member or an affiliate for Fast Home Sites. This review has been researched with information and/or testimonials that are available online in the public domain. Any recommendations and/or conclusions are strictly opinions and may not apply to, or agree with, all persons or situations. See full disclaimer for more info

What Is Fast Home Sites?

Fast Home Sites is a program supposedly created by a guy named Jake. He says he's going to give you exact copies of his big money-making websites. At least that’s what he says on his sales page…

And hey, these are no ordinary sites. He earned 10 MILLION DOLLARS with these websites in just 4 years! Again, that's what he says…

Who is Jake?

Jake is the person/voice behind the Fast Home Sites product.

Fast Home Sites Review Jake
Jake from Fast Home Sites

He has no surname (or doesn’t use one), even in his email. Yes, he emailed me when I entered my email address on their sales page.

I checked his email address ( and went to his website – but found it blank. Well, it did say it was modified on September 4, 2018 (screenshot below).

Needless to say, that's not a good sign for someone who claims to be an expert money-making website creator. 

Fast Home Sites Review Email

I searched Facebook for a “Jake” related to the product called Fast Home Sites, but didn’t find any. That's odd for someone who pretty much created a money-making machine that spits out so much cash, that if real, would solve world poverty. 

I think using aliases or pen names (like Jake) is acceptable in some cases, but not having social media presence or online presence (especially for a business, if it’s legit) is a bad sign.

And to be honest, by this point I was pretty sure I knew what I was looking it. Fast Home Sites appears to be the same system as some other known scams called Website ATM and Money Sucking Website

They're so similar that I'll go out on a limb (and it's not a very big limb) and say they are created by the same person (or group of people). 

Having said that, we're talking about a lot of money here. Life changing money. So on the slight chance this thing is real, it deserves an honest review.

If Fast Home Sites sounds a little too good be true, I don't blame you. It sounds too good for me too. If it's not your thing, you can also earn some extra cash with online surveys.

They don't pay near as much as Fast Home Sites “claims” to pay, but legit sites like and are a simple way to get started online. 

They can also open doors and lead to something bigger like an online business

You may be at home with health issues, or young ones to look after for example. Maybe you're just sick of working for someone else and not getting ahead (or falling behind). I've been there. I know the feeling… 

A real income from home is what you want, but with all the fake promises and garbage out there, knowing how (and where) to get started is what you need in order to get what you want.

Now, I'm going to give you a free step by step beginner's guide to making money online and you can get it by Clicking Here

Is Fast Home Sites a Scam?

Aside from the bad signs I've mentioned already (like not knowing who the heck this “Jake” is and this thing looking exactly like some other well-known scams), I also found a lot of Fast Home Sites red flags… 

Red Flag #1 – Disclaimer

It says right there on their disclaimer (at the bottom of their sales page):

  • The typical purchaser does not make any money using this system (and having listened to Jake's sales pitch about how easy this is supposed to be, it's strange that he'd turn around and say (in the fine print) you probably won't make any money with his system). That's disappointing.
  • It does not guarantee income or success.
Fast Home Sites Review Disclaimer

You know what, there are laws that forbid scamming people – and that’s why there are disclaimers like this. But in this case… with Jake's crazy promises, it’s like saying: I’m going to give you $1,000, but I’m not guaranteeing you’ll get it.

Red Flag#2 – Different Branding

In the image above (the Disclaimer), you’ll see that it’s for a company/program called Easy Internet Plan. I think Jake forgot to change it when he copied the disclaimer from one of his other scams. Um… I mean sites 😉

You’ll also see H & F Marketing there, which is another brand… I think Jake missed that one too.

Hey, it can get confusing when you’re making a lot of scam sites. Oh wait, did I say scam again? Sorry, Jake…

Red Flag #3 – Clone Sites

Look Jake, I didn’t say “clone” scam sites (but I probably should).

Anyway, I found the following clone sites and they’re all exactly the same, or at least 99% the same. All created by “Jake” or whatever his real name is:

1. This is the one we’re talking about (Fast Home Sites)… It was registered on September 2, 2019.

Fast Home Sites Review Clones

2. And then there’s Income Sites Online (you’ll find a review of that scam here). It was registered on May 13, 2019.

Fast Home Sites Review Clone Income Sites Online

3. There’s also the Your Dream Websites, which was registered on November 14, 2018.

Fast Home Sites Review Clone Your Dream Websites

4. Lastly, I also found Quick Home Websites – this was registered on April 10, 2019.

Fast Home Sites Review Clone Quick Home Websites

I’m sure there are others out there. In fact, 10 Minute Paydays is also one that looks suspiciously similar… See, Jake, whoever he is, is a very busy person.

Red Flag #4 – Fake Testimonials

I checked some of the reviews and testimonials Jake used in his video. And guess what? These people are fake – and Jake is using stock photos!

Fast Home Sites Review Fake Testimonial Stock Photos
Fast Home Sites Review Fake Testimonial
Fast Home Sites Review Fake Testimonials

As you can see, there's a trend here. Lies and deception. And it's exceptionally cruel because they get you excited about making all this money. As if a weight is being lifted off your shoulders.

But as you pull back the curtains to reveal what's really going on here, you feel it slipping through your fingers. 

Red Flag #5 – The Lies

Jake said A LOT of lies in his sales video… here are some examples:

  • This new account is on and running while you watch this video – That means it’s live, when it’s not (this is a recorded video, and the same video you'll find on all of those other copycat scams).
  • He says keep listening and remember your account is already making you money as you watch this video – Really, can you believe that?
Fast Home Sites Review Lies
Fast Home Sites Lies and Deception

I guess a lot of doors will be closing tonight…

Red Flag #6 – Too good to be true

You know what they say – when something sounds too good to be true… it probably is.

Jake says:

  • 10 MILLION in 4 years
  • $1K/day for you
  • Allows you to copy his exact websites (those that made him a fortune)
  • And… he’ll do all the work for you
Fast Home Sites Review Too Good To Be True

If all of that doesn't sound too good to be true, I'm not sure what will. I think Jake is trying to trick you to go inside…

With all of those red flags, I'm going to go out on another limb (and this one is shorter than the last one) and just say it! Fast Home Sites is a scam! 

How Does Fast Home Sites Work?

According to Jake, here’s how Fast Home Sites is supposed to work:

1. He’ll give you copies of the very same sites he’s using to make millions of dollars (why would he give copies of those sites to anyone?).

2. He’ll do all the work for you (why would he do all of the work?).

3. Your only duty is to make sure that your money is coming into your account (sure… okay).

4. But you’ll need to pay him $37 first (only $37 for million dollar websites and he'll do all the work for you, LOL).

Fast Home Sites Review Price

Here's What I Think…

  1. He’s lying (in so many ways).
  2. He’s not going to give you money-making sites.
  3. His live presentation is not really live. It’s recorded and the same for everyone (it’s a sales video on a sales page).
  4. LOL.

How Fast Home Sites Really Works

As with the other version of this copycat scam, once you're inside you'll get some very basic set-up videos. These videos/training are called PLR content, or “private label rights”.

Or “cheap” PLR content to be more specific.

These are outdated videos, training, e-books etc. that people have given the rights away for pennies because they no longer have value, and now anyone willing to pay a few bucks can market them as their own.  

Where Fast Home Sites Gets Their Training

You can literally buy tens of thousands of courses, e-books, videos etc for a hundred bucks (less when they have a sale). 

These are NOT going to teach you how to make $1000/Day.

You'll also find Fast Home Sites on affiliate marketing/cost-per-action (CPA) networks like Clickbank, where people can get paid a few bucks to promote it. 

And “Jake” may even ask you to replicate his system and scam people into buying it for $37. And then they’ll also scam other people to buy the program for $37… 

I don’t like this at all. While affiliate marketing is a legit business model, promoting scams and making money from it is simply wrong. Let’s not add to an already scam-filled online world, shall we?

You'll also find more cheap PLR content inside Fast Home Sites being sold as “upsells”. Jake will sell you “additional products” that are supposed to do things like “double your earnings” or have all the work done for you.

Of course these will be far more expensive than $37.

They'll also be promoting stuff (website hosting for example) that he'll earn affiliate commissions on. And if you’re going to replicate the system, you’ll be doing the same thing as well.

Money-Back Guarantee

The Fast Home Sites program is a ClickBetter product (it’s a lot like ClickBank). For this particular product, they’re giving you a 60-day money-back guarantee.

If it were me, I wouldn’t waste my time on it and again, if it's like other versions of this scam, people have struggled to get their money back. 

You're far better making money with a legit survey site for example because one… they are free to join, and two… you will actually get paid. 

Legit sites like Survey Junkie and Swag Bucks don't pay a ton of money (you won't retire with online survey money) but they are a simple way to make a few extra bucks. 

If you're looking for something more (and something real), an online business may be what you're after.

Making money from home might be something important because of health issue for example, children to look after, or maybe you're just tired of the rat race and looking for a way out. 

If that’s the case, knowing how (and where) to get started the right way is what you need in order to get what you want.

Now, I'm going to give you a free step by step beginner's guide to making money online and you can get it by Clicking Here

What I Like About Fast Home Sites

I like that Jake is telling the truth about the following (of course, these are NOT an endorsement for Fast Home Sites):

  • The disclaimer
  • That there are lots of scammers out there
  • That he’ll make money when you replicate his system
Fast Home Sites Review Truth
Rare honestly from Fast Home Sites

Oh… it's not that “odd”. You pay him for a product that does not deliver on it's promises. 

What I Don't Like

The main thing I don’t like about Fast Home Sites? 


If I had to add more though…

  • Jake is fake
  • Testimonials are fake
  • Income claims are fake
  • Sister scam sites are fake
  • The entire story is fake
  • Promises are fake

Where Do You Go From Here?

The whole package (Jake, the Fast Home Sites website, the clone sites, everything) smells and looks like a scam. It is a scam!

Sure, you'll get a little bit of very basic training, but nothing you can't find online for free. Meanwhile they're promising you the keys to kingdom for thirty-seven bucks and zero effort.

If you're asking for a recommendation, I'd say to stay away from Jake and his clone sites (see the red flags again and be warned).

I know, $1,000 a day sounds really REALLY good… but Fast Home Sites is not going to do it. 

Having said that though, not everything is a scam (although it feels like it sometimes, I know…)

But you can make money online. The basic principles of what Fast Home Sites describes are real, and you can earn a significant income online when they are applied properly (and honestly). 

And if you're a student in school for example, a single parent at home, or unable to work because of health challenges, understanding these principles can be life changing.  

If that's the case, an online business is what you want. 

With all the scams and schemes out there though, knowing how (and where) to get started the right way is what you need in order to get what you want

Now, I'm going to give you a free step by step beginner's guide to making money online and you can get it by Clicking Here

If something simpler appeals to you and you're just looking for a few extra “end-of-the-month” bucks, online survey and get-paid-to sites are a good way to get started. 

Sites like Survey Junkie will pay you for your opinion and Swag Bucks offers rewards for doing things like watching videos, visiting websites and searching the web.  

It's not a lot of money, but if you've never made money online before, it's a simple way to start. 

Anyway, I hope my Fast Home Sites review was helpful and thanks for stopping by. If you have any comments, questions, or experience with Fast Home Sites, please share in the comments section below.

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